While studying for my 200 level second semester exams, I came across several laws, interesting laws if I may add, and then I wondered “do people know about these laws?” For those few minutes, I wondered what it would be like if people were aware of their rights, the laws that protect them.
When I say ‘people’, I’m not talking about 10 or 20 people, I’m talking about more than half of the population of Nigeria.
Sounds far-fetched.
Honestly, at that point, I threw the idea away, straight into the bin! But then I got home for the holiday, and the thought came back and here we are.
To say ‘The knowledge of the law is essential’, is to repeat a statement you would’ve heard a number of times.
But, the question is why? Why should you know the law?
The first answer that usually comes into our mind is ‘to protect myself from injustice’ which, of course is very correct. I’ve come across several unnecessary, unjust confrontations which could’ve been avoided if only the knowledge of the law was in place.
While engaging in formal and informal contracts, we’ve had encounters where we’ve been ‘cheated’, where our rights have been abused or infringed upon, sometimes we know, many times we don’t, all of which can be attributed to our lack of knowledge of the law.
The importance of the knowledge of the law also lies in the fact that there are quite a lot of interesting laws, rights which belong to us but we are unaware that they exist.
Much more than knowing the law for protection, we should also know the law for enjoyment too but is it possible to enjoy laws that are ‘non-existent’ to us?
I remember having a conversation with my friends as regards the state of the country and one of us said, “Nigeria would be a much better place if people knew their rights.” And I couldn’t agree more!
When majority of the citizens of Nigeria are aware of what they have in law, several unnecessary confrontations would be avoided, citizens would not just submit to unnecessary unlawful governmental orders but would actually be able to confidently stand their ground on what the law says.
The more, the merrier.
However, rather than doing the usual thing, that is, telling you that the knowledge of the law, of your rights is important and giving you reasons as to why you should know the rights, I’d do something better.
I’d tell you what these rights are. You can only know the law, your rights by actually knowing them one by one
How would I do that? Smart question!
Through my blog- Knowledge Tent.
It’s about time where people, ‘laymen’ become knowledgeable on the law!
I know you believe this too and at this juncture, it is safe to say that you and I are on the same page, and we both find the knowledge of the law essential, of crucial importance.
Thus, let us begin our legal journey on the knowledge of the law. Knowledge is power after all.
Author: Esther Ude.