It’s not too late to say happy new month so WELCOME TO MAY!
I trust you’ve been walking in the consciousness of your right and I hope you’ve not forgotten all we’ve learnt so far- if you have,not to worry! Knowlegde Tent is always here for you!
You can always access all we’ve discussed so far by going to the home page (for those using a browser- click on our name "Knowledge Tent" above and to those using the app, you can simply do so by checking the list of individuals you’re following, you should find our name there- click on it and all we’ve discussed so far would be made available to you).
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Now onto today’s discussion
If you’re an introvert like me (sort of), I’m sure you would be quite skeptical on your privacy being invaded. Even if you’re not an introvert, no one, absolutely no one, would love an invasion of their privacy right?
In simple words, our right to privacy is our freeodm and liberty to use our properties, be ourselves, interact with people without improper interference. The privacy of every citizen in Nigeria is crucial and should neither be exploited nor interfered with.
This makes it important for proper protection against any form of interference with the right to privacy.
Section 37 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria guarantees this crucial right and it states that: The privacy of citizens, their homes, correspondence, telephone conversations and telegraphic communications is hereby guaranteed and protected.
So in line with this section of our fundamental right, an unauthorised person has no right to invade your personal space.
Thus, for instance, where:
- A person enters into your home or room against/without your permission that would constitute a breach of this right
- An unauthorised search of your telephone conversations- your Whatsapp texts, emails, Instagram activities and the likes would constitute a breach of this right.
To those who are talented in checking other people’s phone without their permission, please stop ooo, you can be charged for a breach on their right to privacy.
Please note that this right is not without exceptions as there are several authorised bodies that can lawfully infringe on this right, for example, The Nigerian Police Force by conducting searches without warrant (Section 38 of the Police Act 2020).
However, because your right is not absolute does not make it irrelevant! It is extremely important.
See you next time and as always..
The goal is to ensure that majority are aware of these rights so let’s make that happen together.
So please do well to share to lots, lots of people.
Thank you!
Author: Esther Chioma Ude
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