Special Publication: Essence of the Knowledge of the law.

Knowledge Tent Organization
3 min readNov 5, 2022



We’re ONE today… it’s been a wonderful one year of God’s help and faithfulness and we’re so happy to have come this far!

We look forward to more celebrations!!!

You can check out the activities carried out during our Anniversary Celebration on our IG page- knowledgetent.

Imagine a country void of violations of rights, a country void of injustice and ill-treatments...
Sounds implausible? Well that’s cause we’re not there yet!

Laws are simply referred to as codes of conduct by which the affairs of a state is governed. In every society, state or nation, individuals cannot live as they desire, there is need for a code of conduct to guide us such that our actions or inactions do not affect others around us.

In every society, there are several laws in existence, however there is often a grundnorm(most important law) from which every other law derives its validity from. In Nigeria, that grundnorm is the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999(as amended).

It is no news that the 1999 Constitution and the various laws that govern the society are essential, we all know it!

However, it is sad that although we are aware that the "The knowledge of the law is essential", majority of the Nigeria citizens are unaware of the existence of these laws, what they provide, protect and guarantee.

The essence of the knowledge of the law cannot be overemphazised as where a good number of citizens, people from several spheres of life, are aware of the laws that govern them, a number of ill situations could be prevented or avoided in the country.

Many a times, individuals experience abuse and violations of their rights and are yet unaware that those rights exist or that there is an available remedy in law!

Corrupt individuals in the society take advantage of the ignorance of the people and coordinate the affairs of the state as they desire.

However, if up to 80% of the citizens are aware of the basic laws in the society, Nigeria would be a much better place to live in!

The current state of the country is nothing to write home about, however if we all want to see the change we so desire, then we ought to take bold steps and let the change begin with us by first ensuring that when it comes to the law that govern us, we are not ignorant!

It is very easy to downplay the essence of the knowledge of the law with statements such as "what good is the knowledge in this country?"

Well, why not try knowing these laws and applying them first!

Much more than telling you that the knowledge of the law is essential, KNOWLEDGE TENT provides you with the knowledge of the law.

On the topic of Fundamenetal Human rights, Knowledge Tent blog has published over 10 articles, which includes: Right to Life, Right to Personal Liberty, Right to Dignity as a human person, Right to Private and Family life among many others.

On Knowledge Tent, these laws are not only briefly taught but are well detailed such that whosoever reads them has a basic understanding of his/her rights.

In furtherance of our passion to teach the law effectively, we also teach the law in the common three tribal languages in Nigeria( Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa) via our Instagram page (knowledgetent), such that our Nigerian readers can be educated on these laws in their native languages.

Be the change you so desire to see and you’ll see, even our communites would align with that change…

It’s a new year for us!!!

The aim remains the same- that many Nigerians come into the Knowledge of the laws that govern them.

Kindly help us share our work to people around you!

You can follow our Instagram page via: Knowledgetent

Thank you for your time

See you next time!

Written and Edited by: Esther Ude- Founder, Knowledge Tent.



Knowledge Tent Organization
Knowledge Tent Organization

Written by Knowledge Tent Organization

Bridging the gap between the Nigerian laws and its people through writing!

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